
Power Supply DC 12V Regulated Circuit

I was a fan and an Electronics Technician. Almost all electronic devices use Power Supply. If you want to know about the Power Supply Circuit and Diagram Basic more, you can browse the articles in this blog. Here I am trying to write an article about the Power Supply DC 12V.

Let's see  Regulated Power Supply 12 V DC below. Electronic equipment typically uses direct current (DC) and the voltage and current of the adjustable electrical equipment condition. In the picture, shown Schematic Circuit Power Supply 12V  is comprised of a transformer is used to reduce the voltage of 220 V at the primary and  12 V on the secondary.
You can add N type Transistor MJ 2955 with same parallel connection for the best power output.

Power Supply Circuit 11.8V(12 V) by Bustammsyah
Schematic of Power Power Supply DC 12V 
I hope you enjoy this schematic diagram. Oke, Thanks for visiting.