
Basic Of Power Supply Circuit Diagram

I was a fan and an electronics Technician. Almost all electronic devices use Power Supply. If you want to know more about the Basic Of Power Supply Circuit Diagram , you can browse the articles in this blog. Here I am trying to write an article about the Power Supply. 

All electronic equipment requires power supplies, either from the battery or use electricity in your home. Electronic equipment usually requires certain power supply consumption. Suppose the voltage for charging mobile phones require only 5 Volt, may not 220 V of electricity in your home is connected directly to your cell phone, of course it should be through the Power Supplies that have been adapted to the voltage consumption phone or other electronics, if directly connected to your mobile home electric / electronic you will 'explode'. Except electronic equipment that is equipped with the power supply in it such as a TV, tapecorder, personal computers, VCD, etc. 

Let's see Basic of Power Supply Circuit Diagram below Electronic equipment typically uses direct current (DC) and the voltage and current of the adjustable electrical equipment condition. In the picture I show a basic schematic circuit Power Supply is comprised of a transformer is used to reduce the voltage of 220V at the primary and 6V - 12V on the secondary.

So, electronic equipment required for basic of the Power Supply is:
1. Transformer (TRANSFORMER), in this case a 220V input and 12V as output
2. Silicon diodes
3. capacitors
4. Electrolyte capacitors

Basic of Power Supply Circuit, by Bustamsyah
Basic of Power Supply Circuit


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